
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Moving on

here I am again.

something we are always running after - love. when we get it we are the most happy people on this earth and when we loose it we are the saddest. why?

why love is one emotion we seem to have no control over. how we feel before, during or after love. there is no explanation.

when we have it we feel no one can understand how we feel and when we loose it we still think no one can understand it. yet all of us go through the same feelings. if i got a room full of people and asked each one of them how they felt when in love and when they lost it they would have the same stories to tell. yet we want to believe that our situation is unique. we want to feel we are an individual in this crowded world.

one thing i have found common on all people who lost love is the need for a closure. if only he would love someone else, if only he would through away all my gifts to him, if only i can love someone else, if only.....I will have that closure. yet it never comes. we spend minutes, days, years waiting for that closure to come.

if only.....

loosing love is loosing a part of the soul. i sympathize with anyone and everyone who has lost it. but i have no love lost for people looking for that closure. cause closure comes from within not from someone fell in love with that person and now it's ur responsibility to fall out of love too.

a girl i know waited for 3 years looking for the closure. one kiss she had asked of him. that one kiss. she hated him, she wanted to erase every memory of him but still waited for the closure.

someone once told me to marry the girl who loved me the most since it's not who I love but who loves me. that way i will have love in my life always. what about the girl. wouldn't she want the same love. how long do you think she can hold on to that love if she doesn't get it back in return.

it's wonderful that you can make someone feel loved but it has no meaning unless the person makes u feel loved to.

over the years i have heard so many reasons for people moving on. the one that gets me is when someone wants to leave cause they think they are not good enough for the person they love. come one people get a spine. if a girl loved you is cause of who you are. if you were any better or worse she wouldn't be in love with you. and who are you to judge if you are good enough for her. did you ask her, did she tell you that you are not good enough. you are going to have differences that that is what makes the relationship worth it.

i would rather be stranded in an island with a doctor than with a computer geek. i am one and what good am i in a deserted island.

having said that i don't want someone who is different either.

but coming back to moving on - stop looking for closure, stop looking for excuses. when you didn't ask why he loved me, stop asking why he stopped loving me. he did and that should be good enough. move on. find someone who can make you feel loved and who you can love.