
Seriously, this is crazy. I am not being able to write anything that I want. This has never happened before. I always have something to talk and say about.

Trust is really important and any moron will tell you that and all of them say so too. But I was talking to this person on the phone the other day and she made a strange point which got me thinking. What does trust mean and how much are we willing to bet on it. I have said this before, in life all I want from my girl is that I can trust her and have a five minute conversation with her. And I never really understood why I thought that until yesterday. If you can trust someone, you automatically close your mind from all possibility of deceit and that means one less person to worry about in your life. And if you have to worry about trusting the person you are spending your life with, that is not a pretty thing. Believe me it is not.

You are walking down a street and you stop to ask for directions. What happens? Somebody gives you one. If you reach your destination you forget about the person but if you do not make it you start cursing the person. You tell ten of your other friends what a jerk that person was. You don’t forget the person for a long time. See how easy it is to just trust someone and not worry about it then not trust someone and then think about it for the rest of your life. Relationships are like these two people giving directions to the destination of your life. It is so very important to be able to trust the person so that we can listen to them.

Whenever we make contact with a new person, we start with some kind of trust. Now it’s up to the two people involved either to confirm the trust or to break it. But it’s all in our hands to do it. Life is difficult and people around us can either make it easier or difficult for us. But let me take a minute and say something here. To save the trust one person, you should be careful not to break the trust of someone else. Recently someone did that to me and it was not pretty. Life is full of surprises and you don’t want to loose one friend to make another one. Each one in your life are special and they should remain the same. Don’t ever compromise the trust of one friend to gain the trust of the other. It is not worth it. No one likes it. You won’t like it either if that happens to you.

Well I so wanted to tell this story that I lost the chain of my thought.

But this summer has been simply amazing. I met so many people. Goodbyes are always so difficult.

Oh yeah I got it. Trust right. It’s so random. I met this random girl, really random, out of the blue and we started talking, within an hour we were talking about our life, about my life, about her life. I looked into her eyes and all I wanted to do was trust her. It was so easy. I just wish it would/could mean more ………

It’s so easy to get caught up with major things in life that we forget that there are other things that matter. Trying to plan for a life time they forget to plan for the moment. Someone once told me, “Smile when you answer the phone, the person across can hear your smile.” And I believe that.

People get caught up in their career, in their relationships, in so many things that they stop paying attention to smaller things. I have an angel I talk to, she is 5 years old and whenever I call her up, she brightens up my day. Why is that, cause she is innocent. So innocent that I know whatever I tell her, she is not going to be biased. I am tired of biased opinion from people. I talk to a friend and he will tell me things that I want to hear cause he is my friend. But this angel, she tells me what she things, no strings attached. Aren’t we just complicating our lives with all the things that we do. With more people that become part of our life, the more complicated it becomes, and then it is no longer about me and my life, it’s about so many other things.

Isn’t it simple when it’s just about me. I mind sound obnoxious but look at the life of a 2 year old. He only cares about himself, it’s always about him, if he is hungry, he will cry, if he is lonely he will cry, if he wants to play he will cry. He doesn’t care how much difficult it is for you or me, for him it’s simple, “I am uncomfortable here, do something to make me happy”. There you go, no strings attached.

I want people around me I can trust and who in turn can trust me. Oh yeah that reminds me about this conversation I had with a friend about trust and friendship. According to her she would never ever talk to a person.


Unknown said…
Very well written Bob! Good job and keep it up. Take care.
Anonymous said…
Trust is very important. It is a fundamental in every time of relationship, even in business. In order have trust you need to earn it, it’s called accountability.
|| sbk || said…
Nice post! I went into a thought process when I read your post. In such a busy life, with so much of politics around, we often tend to believe that there is no one on this planet you can trust. But you made sense...I guess I would be willing to trust someone if they were willing to trust me..I would be willing to take that chance,,, again.
Anonymous said…
That's a good article!!the truth is that some people seem more trustworthy than others, and some people break the trust after just one little thing that they dont like about you, and they never forget or forgive, so is a complicated subjet, but very important to think about.
Ana Ines Gonzalez Dorado