And Life goes on

People have been asking me y I haven’t been updating my blog. Well I would have loved to tell that I was overwhelmed by the recent tragedy and all choked up to write but tht’s not true. Death never made a difference to me. Actually overwhelming work and all tht preparation for the further study kept me busy and as I have been saying I am not a writer so writing those essays for all the colleges took all out from my creative nature which I don’t have anywz. Anyway I am guess I am back and with this blog I want to talk about the lives that was lost. A hundred and fifty thousand lives is not a joke and with this a hundred fifty thousand families affected. I mean over a million lives have been directly touched and the rest were indirectly touched. There are two train of thought that’s going on in my mind right now.

I read this somewhere: “what drives human life” answer “HOPE”. The only thing true about life is hope and dream. So much life lost, so much property destroyed. Is if for nothing? Will this mean the end of the world? No. simple reason Hope and Dream. The beautiful thing and the only thing about life is hope. The ability to dream.

As I write this I am watching “Imran Khan: Rendezvous with Simi Garewal”. Pain can also be a positive experience. It forces you do a lot of soul searching. The end of this hardship is a stronger human being. But too much pain is not also good. It breaks you down. And a broken man is no good like a broken heart or a broken bridge. These things can be mended but not a broken life. No way.

But as I was saying hope is a wonderful thing. We go to sleep with a hope of a better tomorrow. We get out of bed in the morning in hope of a wonderful day ahead. Our each action, our each thought is driven by a hope. And this hope is founded on our dreams. Dreams of reaching the stars - touching a sky. A hope guided by a dream is the strongest weapons of all. It can take on an army of a million men or see of the mightiest of the natural disasters with a shrug. Einstein, Shakespeare, Edison, Blake, de Vinci, Hitler you name it, all had a dream and hope and they achieved what tens of billions of people could not achieve. Greatness is few and far apart but behind every greatness is a dream and an undying hope that one day they can achieve that dream.

This disaster will separate the truly great from amongst the boys. The lives left behind are going to be much stronger and will lead the nations to a path which hundreds and thousands of lives before this couldn’t. history will be littered with stories of bravery and courage and frndship and hope and dream that this tragedy is going to leave behind and a new human experience will be left behind.

Well well well, I just do not seem to be able to stop once I get started. There is so much to write. So much to share. But then time is always the limit. I have been writing my feelings and sharing with you guys. I would love to hear you people too. Pls leave a comment if you can and have the time to do so. It would really make my day. U can write anything u like. Leave ideas or suggestions and pls help me improve my writing. I am a horrible writer.
