Some Personal Life Update

Have been writing a lot about my thoughts and feelings on different subjects and topics and it had been sometime since I wrote something of my own personal update. Life has been going good for the past month or so. Been to goa for my vacation was a load of fun and now looking for a new adventure. Still waiting from universities for their reply on whether i have been accpeted or not. Though have had positive response from all round. Still waiting. This waiting has been the frustrating part of the life.

There has been steady and continuos work flow at the office. So that part of the life is still preety gr8. Enjoying my life working. Though these days have become less of a workacholic. The evening routine of going to New Road has resumed again after over a yrs break. Sister is back home right now for a couple of weeks so tht's good too.

Days are getting warmer and longer now and nights are shorter. Have made a couple of new chat frnds these days and have been chatting with them. though i still don't understand the use of it. I mean I am never going to meet them or anything but just chatting I find it a waste of time but at the same time knowing a few more ppl never hurt anyone. Seems I am preety popular amongst the Indian girls croud. Have had a lot of word of mouth advertisment from different places.

Well what else is there. Guess life has gone into a routine. So there is hardly anything worth notind down. Past couple of months have been the most stagnent of my life. But it feels to get off the fast track once in a while and let things happen at its own pace. But this is going to be the last month like that. Next month onwards back to the old pace and into the fast track. Well meet you soon with a new update.
