Seems I have lost the zeal to write or just forgotten that I ever wrote. But I am making an effort to come back into i. So help me here folks.
I am finally here. Travelled miles over 22 hrs of flight time, but am finally here in Pittsburgh. A wonderful city with wonderful people. People have been generally friendly around here and I really appreciate it.
Nothing can be more difficult then to start off with a new life. You are at a new place, don't know anyone and have been left in a compeletely alien culture. Everything around you is new, everyone around you is new. Generally when I travell I tend to make small talk with people who sit beside me. But this time around I travelled alone. Alone, no freinds, no one I know into a new life in a new city.
But so far so good. Things have been easier then expected. Am already into a nice little rythemic schedule and things don't feel that much of a different from home. Anywaz things are moving now. Got an orientation in a few days time. A new IBM laptop. But some how I liked the old one better. It had a certain homely feeling to it. But this one is also good enough.
Got a by-cycle to travel to places. Much easier then the buses or the cars. Fast, efficient and cheap. Have travelled less then 5 miles on it but already have my hands covered in grease. Go figure.
Well well well, it seems I am off ranting away aimlessly not knowing what I am saying. Will go now and come back with some new stuffs.
Been reading this Alcemist again from Poelo Cohelo or whatever his name is. Got some pretty interesting stuffs on it. Can't imagine it has already been 4 yrs since I last read it and the whole meaing has changed in the duration. What the book meant 4 yrs back is totally different then what it means today. I believe we should re-read everything that we have ever read every 4-5 yrs. Help us know the change in prespective and realise the direction of the life that we have.
Take Care, Miss You All.
I am finally here. Travelled miles over 22 hrs of flight time, but am finally here in Pittsburgh. A wonderful city with wonderful people. People have been generally friendly around here and I really appreciate it.
Nothing can be more difficult then to start off with a new life. You are at a new place, don't know anyone and have been left in a compeletely alien culture. Everything around you is new, everyone around you is new. Generally when I travell I tend to make small talk with people who sit beside me. But this time around I travelled alone. Alone, no freinds, no one I know into a new life in a new city.
But so far so good. Things have been easier then expected. Am already into a nice little rythemic schedule and things don't feel that much of a different from home. Anywaz things are moving now. Got an orientation in a few days time. A new IBM laptop. But some how I liked the old one better. It had a certain homely feeling to it. But this one is also good enough.
Got a by-cycle to travel to places. Much easier then the buses or the cars. Fast, efficient and cheap. Have travelled less then 5 miles on it but already have my hands covered in grease. Go figure.
Well well well, it seems I am off ranting away aimlessly not knowing what I am saying. Will go now and come back with some new stuffs.
Been reading this Alcemist again from Poelo Cohelo or whatever his name is. Got some pretty interesting stuffs on it. Can't imagine it has already been 4 yrs since I last read it and the whole meaing has changed in the duration. What the book meant 4 yrs back is totally different then what it means today. I believe we should re-read everything that we have ever read every 4-5 yrs. Help us know the change in prespective and realise the direction of the life that we have.
Take Care, Miss You All.