Sometimes a life time is not enough

A restaurant, five of us, three of them I had just met, two hours and I know more about them than I do about most of the people I have known for a life time. The fourth person I had known for ages but still he surpised me with a few things about him which I had not known before. I would like to dedicate this blog to one special person from that group for it was her inspiration that I am writing this blog.

Isn't that the story of life. People walk in and walk out of it but some linger on like a puff of smoke then disappear and some stay on forever. And everyone of those relationships are important, have meaning in your life for their own special reasons. But what caught my fancy was how well do we know all those people that we claim to know. Converstation is a strange thing. As well as you can use it to convey yourself, you can use it to hide yourself too. You read in paper of crimes being committed by people who were thought to be least likely to have done it by the people close to them. That says a lot. No matter how well people claim to know us, there will always be some part of us which is private. We don't share it, we don't let people see it.

Friendship is a strange thing. Family we are born into, friends are of our own choice. Sometimes they are formed at the first meeting, sometimes they take a life time and somethings a strange happening or a awkward situation. I have never been able to fathom why. There are two most common traits I have seen. One there is something common to base the friendship on and second there is something that the other person has that I need. You might be aware of both or you might not be but generally there is always things that you talk about that are common punctuated by exchange. Of love, effection, things, thoughts, knowledge or a million other things. But there is always a give and take going on and that keeps our interest in the other person intact. If the other person could not give us anything we loose interest in that person and that's the start of a failed friendship.

Friendship is like love, when you find the right one, it can last a life time.


Anonymous said…
Insightful entry. Never really thought that way.

Anonymous said…
hey Bob, you write so well, I enjoy both the content, and the way you express it, this is Ana, one of the five people you refer to in your post, let us know when you come in town again!!
Anonymous said…
HEy I'm waiting to read more.... I hope your doing well. Thanks for writing about our great dinner. I hope you will be inspired more and more to write about your life experiences.