I m sitting here at the velvet lounge, chicago, home of jazz, listening to music. Some of the best thing ever. What makes it truely amazing is the setting and the music. It's insane. So full of life so complete. Everything makes sense. Everything fits together. The people, the music, the surrounding and the friends. And that my friend is music. That my friend is art. Truely great art, if your soul can associate with it. If the thing completes your soul that is truely a great art and the greatest form of life.
Eye for detail and the passion for perfection. That's what seperates the mediocre from the great. Art and music is filled with madness. Madness of self, madness of thought. To see pattern in chaos, to see life in death, to see design in free space.
When the forces of nature combines with mind, soul and body what results is beautiful. What results is a work of art.